Markus Rhomber

Managing Director of the International Association of Lake Constance Universities

Categories: Alumni, Foundations, NGOs

***Alumnus of the Ashoka Visionary Program (CEE) 2020/21***

Markus is Managing Director of the International Association of Lake Constance Universities.

He was Professor and Chair of Political Communication at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, founder of the Center for Political Communication and Fellow at the Mercator Foundation in Berlin.

In his work Markus supports and facilitates the European collaboration between higher education institutions and partners from industry, politics and civil society with the aim to creating mutual synergies from their individual strengths and perspectives.

Markus is passionate to enable opportunities, bringing experts together and initiating cross-sectoral partnerships. In his past, he was a researcher on the interfaces of science and policy, political and environmental communication.

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