Helmut Rauth
Head of Finance & Service, Österreichische Caritaszentrale
Categories: Alumni, Central-Eastern Europe Region, NGOs
***Alumnus of the Ashoka Visionary Program (CEE) 2019/2020***
Helmut Rauth is the Head of Finance & Service at the Österreichische Caritaszentrale. He is part of the Management Board of ÖCZ and therein responsible for the areas of Controlling, Accounting, Human Ressources, Institutional Partnership, Quality Management and Organisation.
His previous role was Head of Operational Office Corporates & Markets at Erste Group. In his role he was responsible for all kind of support functions for the corporates and markets area. He was responsible for about 160 people – thereof about 30 in the CEE region. Within his responsibility were functions like Mid Office, Controlling, Legal, Product Management, Corporate Innovation and Sales Support. He was part of and coordinated the group wide Corporates & Markets Board. In my previous role in Erste Group he headed the Asset Liability Function. In this role he was responsible for the overall risk position of the bank and participated in several Due Dilligences during the expansion phase of Erste Group.
In Erste Bank he was responsible for Corporate Innovation and within that responsibility we developped a social loan for students and a loan model for (social) entrepreneurs. Within Caritas he responsible for the coordination of activities in the area of Social Entrepreneurship – even if his time budget for these activities is quite limited.
lt is his firm believe that social entrepreneurship is one of the most effective ways to make our earth a better place to live. lt combines entrepreneurial spirit with social responsibility and is a very sustainable way to bring social ideas into life without being dependent from a donor.