Abla Al Alfy

Ashoka Fellow, Founder & President of the Egyptian Members Association of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Categories: Alumni, Ashoka Fellows, Mediterranean Region, Social Entrepreneurs

***Alumna of the Ashoka Visionary Program (Mediterranean) 2019/2020*** 

Abla is a senior consultant of neonatal intensive care and continuing medical education, worked in Egypt and in several other countries and currently affiliated to Children and Women Specialty hospital, Al Galaa Military Complex.

She has 38 years’ experience in paediatrics and neonatology with focus on child health ‘CH’ system reform in addition to establishing and enriching community child health and preventative approaches in Egypt. She is the Founder and Director of the Fundamental Postgraduate Training Program in Child Health which focuses on essential basic skills in CH and work on optimizing their social responsibility.

Prof. Al-Alfy is the Founder and the President of Egyptian Members’ Association of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). Additionally, she is leading “Our Dream Initiative” for optimizing early childhood development in Egypt, 2015. outstanding achievement impacting the health and welfare of more than 600,000 mothers and children.Her fellowship profile: ashoka.org/en-AT/fellow/abla-al-alfy

🎉 Abla was elected as an Ashoka Fellow from Egypt in 2013. Learn more about him on his Fellow profile.

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