Sabine Fries

Agile Coach and Scrum Master, Co-founder of a brand & design agency

Categories: Experts+Speakers

The power of community has accompanied Sabine for all of all her life: Starting out as a conceptionist for digital campaigns, a consultant for digital transformation – also learning from social networks, where everyone and everyone can say their opinion and – more importantly – can be heard. With time she became more and more interested not only in online communities but in networks within organisations.

Sabine finally entered the agile world and learned a lot of new skills directly on the job, which she fortified by training as a Systemic Coach and Scrum Master: She started accompanying teams as Agile Coach and Scrum Master. With her systemic background she loves to ask good questions that open new doors and opportunities.

A few years ago she co-founded a brand & design agency, where she mostly coaches teams in design & innovation processes. Sabine is also a network partner of dwarfs & Giants.

Beside work: Sabine was born and raised in Vienna and started and completed the study “Comparative literature” after she finished school. The project closest to her heart: In her free time Sabine accompanies a group of young adults as a youth leader. This has taught her a new flexibility to deal with unplanned incidents – and has shown that honesty, love and joy are key components for work and life. Sabine’s approach: Ask good questions!