Kseniia Stepanenko

CEO of ANO “Territory”, founder of “Social Lab: city for life” Novokuznetsk, Russia

Categories: Alumni, Central-Eastern Europe Region, NGOs, Social Entrepreneurs

***Alumna of the Ashoka Visionary Program (CEE) 2018/2019***

Ksenia was born in the Western Siberia in the city of strong-willed people and deep industrial history, in the city of challenges, great efforts and achievements. Since she was a child, she was interested in leadership, leaders and changemakers who could make the world be better. She has two degrees in economics: specialist’s degree in industrial management, master’s degree in regional economy. In 2006 Ksenia finished project management courses and started her first University social initiatives.

Now she is a coach, trainer in the field of social projects’ management, social innovations, leadership, manager of local and international social initiatives, speaker and expert of issue-related conferences and forums. She was a representative of Russia for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Summer School in New York in 2015 among 75 young leaders from all over the world.

She has implemented more than 10 projects connected with following civil “challenges”: public participation in decision-making process on different levels, urban development, citizens’ involvement in renovating processes, young leaders’ development etc.

Her main project – Laboratory of social initiatives / Social Lab “City for life” is devoted to comfortable urban life, creative and authentic space where like-minded people can implement different initiatives together to make the city life be better. It is a forum, 3-5 days conference, where participants and experts develop suggestions and projects for city development strategy. Business, local authority and citizens work together, trying to look at the issue from different points of view.

Please note that this description dates from the start of the program, if not stated differently. Want to see your bio updated with your new social impact achievements?
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