Haron Wachira

Ashoka Fellow, Akili Holdings

Categories: Alumni, Ashoka Fellows, East Africa Region, Social Entrepreneurs

***Alumnus of the Ashoka Visionary Program (East Africa) 2021/2022***

After a successful career in the fields of publishing, systems integration, software development, computing and ICT, Ashoka fellows, Haron Wachira currently implements and facilitates maintenance of carbon-credit agroforestry, afforestation and related carbon-offset programs in Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Cameroon.

He has also partered up with Long Miles Project, USA to implement a coffee quality improvement programme, specically to help farmers understand cupping protocols and adopt coffee farming practices to result in realising high cupping scores (of >86) for direct assured market. Haron is an advisor in the implementation of a carbon-credit linked clean energy cookstoves in rural Embu and Tharaka Nithi for Climate Pal Ltd, a subsidiary of EcoAct, a international carbon offsets/credit based sustainability consultancy and project developer based in France.

His previous roles include coordinating a non-academic UNDP-funded study on the causes of unemployment among rural youth in Kenya (20 constituencies) and developed 10 business models to serve as a basis for addressing the employment gaps among rural youth. In his years if work he has established several businesses: An ICT (computer assembly and software development) company; a co-training, joint venture company in partnership with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology; a distributed applications development company; and currently, Akili Group, a value-chain developing business.

🎉 Haron was elected as an Ashoka Fellow from Kenya in 2010. Learn more about him on his Fellow profile.

Please note that this description dates from the start of the program, if not stated differently. Want to see your bio updated with your new social impact achievements?
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