Giuseppe Nigro

Consultant on Project Design & Project Evaluation, also: Ashoka Italy

Categories: Alumni, Ashoka Staff, Mediterranean Region, NGOs

***Alumnus of the Ashoka Visionary Program (Mediterranean) 2021/2022***

The volunteering experiences Giuseppe undertook both in Italy and abroad have brought him closer to the charity sector since the early university years. Giuseppe graduated in Anthropology and International Relations at Bologna University, in Italy. He collaborated as a volunteer and as a trainee both in associations and in a small consultancy company where he dealt with finding funding for the non-profit sector, and contributing to the drafting of project proposals.

The interest in the contribution of the interventions of Third-sector organizations on social change that they promote has led him to deepen the theme of the Social Impact Evaluation. He is now a consultant in the fields of Project Design and Project Evaluation for non-profit organizations. He has been collaborating with Ashoka Italy for more than a year supporting the organization in different projects (online and in presence events, online and in presence trainings, surveys and researches on social innovation).

Please note that this description dates from the start of the program, if not stated differently. Want to see your bio updated with your new social impact achievements?
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