Elisabeth Campestrini

CEO of Progressive Health Consulting

Categories: Alumni, NGOs, Public sector

Elisabeth is an Austrian human rights and health system development expert with 20+ years & experience working in and with governance structures and in NGOs nationally and internationally. She is passionate about innovative cross- border health system developments to improve health systems of countries in transition – relying also on Digital Health.

She is supporting change in Kosovo as a pilot for Western Balkans based partly on best practices in the Austrian health system. She is also a fierce promotor of an interdisciplinary approach of health in all policies on governance level. Her current primary focus is environment & health.

She is inter-disciplinarily engaged together with other experts, mainly from partner countries and from Diaspora experts in Austria, in the areas of medicine, nursing, therapy, digital health, health system reform, social medicine, psychology.

She is also involved in long term sustainable health system development projects and processes in Kosovo/ as a pilot for the Western Balkans since 2012.

She has a sound understanding of health system developments in Austria. She is also an occupational health adviser to national and international companies.

Finally, she is a lecturer on the potentials and challenges of health in development cooperation.

Photo source: LINK

Please note that this description dates from the start of the program, if not stated differently. Want to see your bio updated with your new social impact achievements?
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